    Displaying: Lost Productivity / Inefficiency

Pricing COVID-19 Lost Productivity Claims

This webinar will focus on the impact costs primarily related to increased job costs due to labor and lost productivity issues. Using a workshop approach, this webinar will provide a practical tutorial where attendees are provided specific steps and tasks needed to assemble a comprehensive and reasonable cost proposal, including sample tables and calculations. An Excel spreadsheet will be provided for attendee use in developing their own cost models. Owners and construction managers will learn more about the COVID-19 implications and will be in a better position to understand and negotiate any claims for lost productivity costs.

Price: $246.00

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Potential Impacts of COVID-19 on Construction Performance, Labor Productivity and Project Schedules

This program will touch on such key issues like partial project shutdowns, social distancing, employee absenteeism, employee turnover, personal protection equipment and safety measures,, and include discussions of the latest COVID-19 advisories issued by the US Government that may require action on the part of construction managers and contractors in order to preserve rights and obtain relief as to project schedules.  In most cases, contract terms and conditions will continue to be enforced, and as such, contractors need to be aware of notice deadlines, the content of notices and ways to measure schedule and labor productivity impacts.

Price: $246.00

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Lost Productivity 3-Part OnDemand Series w/FREE Report

To help you identify, quantify, document, measure and price a lost productivity claim, we have assembled recognized experts, including research professor William Ibbs, pricing experts from Sage Consulting, and construction claims expert Paul Stynchcomb.

Price: $349.00
Member Price: $279.20

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Loss of Productivity Disputes — New Developments on an Expensive and Tricky Issue

More and more construction claims are including a loss of productivity component these days. But too often the claimed amount is not properly substantiated or presented. Loss of Productivity Disputes — New Developments on an Expensive and Tricky Issue will help you understand what makes for a good productivity claim, its strengths, weaknesses and how to respond.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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Learn to Calculate Inefficiency Claim Costs

More and more construction claims are including a loss-of-productivity or inefficiency component these days. But too often the claimed amount is not properly substantiated or presented. And loss of productivity is often the reason for other claim elements, such as delay, acceleration to try to make up for delays and extended overhead. Understanding what makes a good lost-productivity claim, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to respond will help you prepare, manage, analyze and negotiate them.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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Construction Lost Productivity Claims

Learn best practices for identification, measurement and recovery of lost productivity claims. Understanding what makes a good lost-productivity claim, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to respond will help you prepare, manage, analyze and negotiate them. Listen to this recorded webinar to learn the latest technical and legal concepts associated with loss of productivity.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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The Impact of Rework & Some Practical Remedies

This presentation assesses and identifies the typical cost of rework on a wide range of project types. It shows how the cost of rework is frequently understated and provides an estimate of the true “average cost” of rework. The presentation also identifies the average impact of rework on project duration in terms of time as well as unrecoverable extended overheads and the cost of liquidated damages.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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5 Ways to Measure Inefficiency on Construction Projects

Efficiency is often the key to profitability. Conversely, inefficiency boosts costs, busts budgets, and kills profits. The first step toward managing efficiency is to understand what it is and know how to measure it. The course materials will not only describe the most practical and proven analytical techniques, they will also teach you, through practical exercises and case studies, how to perform a measured-mile analysis.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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Pricing, Preparation, Support and Analysis of Lost Productivity Claims

This information-packed program will help you better prepare to outline, submit and deal with a lost productivity claims. Our expert panel reviews what works in pricing, preparation, support, and analysis of lost productivity claims. Learn which of the accepted methods of calculating lost labor productivity are appropriate in different situations, as well as how to calculate other types of costs.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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How to Identify & Quantify the Effects of Cumulative Impact

This information-packed program will help you learn the definition of cumulative impact, how to identify its presence on a project and how to quantify cumulative impact's effects on labor productivity. Included in this presentation will be a discussion of case law on the subject of cumulative impact, examples of how to utilize the Ibbs Study, to quantify the effects of cumulative impact on a construction project and much more.

Price: $199.00
Member Price: $159.20

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Using Lean Techniques for Measurable Productivity Gains

While many of us are familiar with the concepts, few of us have taken the time to actually attempt to implement lean construction techniques, often due to misconceptions that it is a total project commitment. James Choo and Roberto Arbulu of Strategic Project Solutions Inc. show how lean construction can be implemented, with the level of optimization determined by what you want to achieve. Some prefab and logistics planning is better done and implemented ahead of the project starting, but lean construction can be implemented at multiple levels. Join Choo and Arbulu to learn more about synchronizing supply with installation, logistics design, production control, prefabrication and virtual operations design, and other lean concepts you

can apply to your project. 

Price: $199.00

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Traditional Productivity Improvement Techniques

Construction productivity expert Michael Casten presents his views and techniques for development and management of productivity improvement. The average construction operation underperforms production capacity by a factor of three or four times. Careful study of work at the crew level will reveal massive amounts of delays, wasted effort, and inefficient and ineffective use of resources. Casten provides solutions to help project managers, supervisors, and engineers find opportunities for reengineering process and resource utilization that can almost immediately double the output of many operations.

Price: $199.00

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Practical Ways to Identify Measured Miles (William Ibbs, Ph.D. and Josh Chittick)

Sometimes there is no clear-cut section to establish a benchmark, or to separate the increased actual costs. In an excellent paper on the subject, William Ibbs and Josh Chittick provide a review and synthesis of project management literature and court and appeal board decisions to present practical considerations in the identification and application of measured miles. The intent is to help contractors, owners, consultants and other parties step through a logical process for preparing and presenting a credible measured mile analysis.

Price: $49.00

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The Challenges of Lost Productivity: Proving and Quantifying a Claim

Lost productivity can be the result of delays, acceleration or changes to the work. As with any claim for increased cost, proof of causation and proof of costs are both necessary. This report examines both. Experts in the field of construction productivity and claims provide a comprehensive view of the subject, discussing quantitative and qualitative aspects of proof and causations, methods of calculating costs with useful tips and techniques to minimize productivity losses and to assure maximum recovery in the event of a claims situation. Select court and board decisions provide a realistic backdrop of how the industry has arrived at the accepted approaches commonly in use today.

Price: $185.00

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A Case Study: Documenting and Evaluating Inefficiency

Everyone always has an excuse for not being able to prove that a problem has caused the contractor to be inefficient. Owners rightly complain that contractors don’t document the problem. Contractors rightly complain that owners' documentation expectations can be unreasonable. And both parties refuse to acknowledge the legitimate concerns and limitations under which the other operates.

Price: $199.00

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Cumulative Impact 2012: Practical and Legal Considerations for a Successful Claim, Including a Comprehensive Case Law Review (William Ibbs, Ph.D.)

Cumulative impact is the situation where a contractor experiences disruption, delay and lost productivity as a result of numerous changes and RFIs experienced on a job. Direct costs may be negotiated for each change, but cumulatively, over time, the contractor experiences impact to his work that results in extra costs and delays. To recover these costs, the contractor must meet a generally recognized set of conditions.

Price: $199.00

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