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For both owners and contractors, a careful drafting and reading of the schedule specifications is imperative. Contractors can lose their rights; owners can lose their shirts. The intent of schedule specifications is to measure progress on the job but also to mitigate future delays and resolve past disputes. Learn what some industry-recognized specifications have done to combat abuse and why further changes may still be necessary.


Unfortunately, construction schedules are often used to help build claims against project owners. Much of the process of building claims through the use of schedules involves schedule gamesmanship. This exclusive two-part live webinar series identifies more than 15 scheduling games and offers more than 45 suggested defenses to help prevent schedule gamesmanship. 


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2-part series discusses certified payroll issues and prevailing wage compliance along with the Davis-Bacon act.  Click here to register now!

The first program focuses on Federal WH-347 reporting requirements, which then can be translated to state-specific prevailing wage mandates. Certified payroll expert Nancy Smyth will explain the important details you need to know to comply with certified payroll requirements on your government-funded construction project. 

The second part of the series discusses the information you need to understand the specific requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act, when it applies, and the process necessary to ensure compliance and avoid enforcement actions and potential penalties.


Prompt payment is the lifeblood of every construction project.  Delayed or missed payments are all too common on construction projects. Who bears the risk of delayed or missed payments? The general contractor?  Subcontractors? 


This question oftentimes turns on whether the contractor’s subcontracts contain a pay-if-paid or a pay-when-paid clause.  Pay-if-paid and pay-when-paid are some of the most negotiated and litigated/arbitrated terms in construction subcontracts today.  Contractors and subcontractors have diametrically opposite views on whether pay-if-paid and pay-when-paid clauses are fair.    


This live webinar will explore the controversies and legal issues surrounding pay-if-paid and pay-when-paid clauses. This information-packed webinar will help those persons responsible for drafting and negotiating subcontracts to address pay-if-paid and pay-when-paid in their dealings.  It will also help those persons responsible for administering and enforcing subcontracts to better understand their legal position in the event of a dispute involving a pay-if-paid and pay-when-paid clause.


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One of the most common causes of construction claims and disputes is poor contract administration. Industry surveys indicate that this problem is caused by both owners and contractors. This webinar uses 20 “war stories” to illustrate some of the claims caused by this issue and draws from experience lessons learned for both owners and contractors.

By participating in this webinar, attendees will:

  • Learn that many claims arise when owners or contractors fail to follow the mandates of their contracts.
  • Understand that some directives given by owners may be unenforceable under the terms of the contract.
  • Discover that contractors do not always understand their obligations under the contract.
  • Discern how unresolved claims may well turn into legal disputes.



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Blind reliance upon the written words in a construction contract can be imprudent, as the courts in the United States recognized implied contract obligations for more than a century as a way to supplement and clarify the intent of the contracting parties expressed through the written words of a construction contract. Recognizing, appreciating and understanding the applicability of implied contract obligations will lead to better decisions throughout the life of a construction project. This live webinar will provide those who draft, negotiate, manage and administer construction contracts -whether all the time or once in a blue moon--with the knowledge to effectively deal with implied contract obligations both in the contract itself, and as claims and disputes arise on a construction project.

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