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Northwestern Symposium on Technology in Design and Construction

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McCormick Northwestern Engineering Symposium on Technology in Design and Construction

10 sessions, 14 Top-Notch BIM & Construction Technology Expert Speakers — Recorded Live Webcast for Your Office

This event may be a few years old, but the evergreen topics are worthwhile for anyone interested in BIM, IPD & A/E/C Technology Management!


Watch leading experts at this exciting symposium webcasted live to your computer.  Includes more than 10 separate sessions -- choose the ones you want to watch.  A must attend for any A/E/C company planning to prosper in the upcoming years.  A DVD recording of the entire event will be provided to all attendees to share with their team or to view the sessions you missed!  See detailed agenda below.

Program Overview

SESSION 1: Building Information Modeling:

  • Technology Implementation Overview for Northwestern Memorial Hospital Outpatient Care Pavilion 
           Speakers:  Kevin Bredeson - Pepper Construction and John Jurewicz - MPM Faculty/Lend Lease
  • Eliminating Waste in BIM Deployment  
           Speaker: Kevin Labreque - Limbach
  • Operational BIMplementation 
           Speaker: Sandy Damasco - Lend Lease
  • Convergence: Leveraging Disruptive Technologies in Construction
          Speaker: Stacy Scopano - Trimble
  • Pain in the Clash
           Speaker: Dan Klancnik - Walsh Construction
  • Meridian 
           Speaker: Phil Greer, Account Executive and Fred Cardenas, Product Marketing Manager - Meridian Systems
  • Total Cost of Ownership  
           Speaker: Neil Parker, Dir. Of Business Development, BIM + FM (Facility Management), EcoDomus Inc.

SESSION 2: Technology Management:

  • Democratizing BIM 
          Speaker: Jordan Brandt - CEO, Horizontal System
  • Oracle's Project Lifecycle Execution Solutions 
          Speakers: Andy Verone, VP, and Craig Larson - Oracle
  • Integration, BIM and Lean methods on Healthcare Projects in California: Lessons Learned and Benefits 
          Speakers: Paul M. Teicholz - Stanford University and Atul Khanzode - DPR Construction - Presentations via video conferencing
  • Closing Remarks 
          Speaker: Professor Raymond J. Krizek, Director of Master of Project Management Program, Northwestern University

SESSION 1: Building Information Modeling

Technology Implementation Overview for Northwestern Memorial Hospital Outpatient Care Pavilion   Speakers:  Kevin Bredeson - Pepper Construction and John Jurewicz - MPM Faculty/Lend Lease

Learn from the experts on techniques used for such items as viewing and red marking models, linking these markups and sending out notices to the design team, animating construction assemblies, inserting files using shared objects to set scale and common insertion points and processing large scan files of existing buildings, all performed on web-based systems that are able to be distributed to tablets. Learn from Leaders at Lend Lease and Pepper Construction integration techniques being deployed using technology rooms for electronic collaboration.

Eliminating Waste in BIM Deployment  Speaker: Kevin Labreque - Limbach
The presentation will explore the ways in which we create waste in the deployment of BIM and conversely how we can eliminate that waste through the adoption of Lean principles. The presentation will provide examples of the fundamental Lean definitions of waste at the various levels of BIM application starting with the individual planner/engineer, then looking at deployment within an individual organization, then looking at deployment on an individual project with multiple participants and then finally looking at the industry as a whole.

Operational BIMplementation  Speaker: Sandy Damasco - Lend Lease
This session will cover the Ops side of BIM; the apprehension of use, the necessary workflow changes, data preparation, Future BIM Project Team make up, and extending simplified BIM tools to the Project Teams. Knowing that the technical aspects of BIM will take time to embed itself as part of the normal tool base for a Project Team and Project Executives, the ¿packaging of BIM data¿ is a necessity in order for BIM to be an Operational need and not just a Designers need.

Convergence: Leveraging Disruptive Technologies in Construction:  Speaker: Stacy Scopano - Trimble
in both our professional and personal lives technology is proliferating at a blinding rate. While many factors contribute to this seemingly pervasive dynamic, disruptive technologies can represent either beneficial or detrimental dynamics to your future project successes.

Whether you see BIM as a key to many doors or just another boulder in an avalanche, strategic implementation of these new tools will rely on both understanding technologies in isolation, as well as ways in which these threads can be woven together. This threaded view of technology is gaining considerable significance in the AEC industry and as such, is helping to maximize understanding and adoption by providing a practical filter for current and future process innovation.

Pain in the Clash  Speaker: Dan Klancnik - Walsh Construction
BIM adoption continues to grow at a rapid pace. Credible conversation regarding the value of BIM on large construction projects is over. As BIM grows our challenge is: to provide a framework for best practices, so we can provide BIM in a consistent high quality manner without stifling creativity and the use of evoking technology, service small projects effectively, and demonstrate expertise with our clients in developing and delivering BIM for preconstruction, construction operations, and facilities management. Dan will discuss his thoughts on current best practices for BIM in construction.

Meridian Systems: Speaker: Phil Greer, Account Executive and Fred Cardenas, Product Marketing Manager - Meridian Systems

Total Cost of Ownership  Speaker: Neil Parker, Dir. Of Business Development, BIM + FM (Facility Management), EcoDomus Inc. 
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is teaching us what the future of Facility Management (FM) should look like.  The days of letting management & operations silos, design/construction silos, and recapitalization silos being the concern of others is past.  In the long run FM uses all of that created data to do the job.  Learn how to get the BIM process from designers and contractors to pass created data to operations.  Examine how the complexity of all data-producing systems (like CMMS, building automation, life safety, energy management, graphics, GIS, etc.) can work together to simplify the need to make correct decisions without all the noise. Explore how technology allows us to have FM workers to be armed with all the data and information needed to do one-stop maintenance anytime, anywhere. 

SESSION 2: Technology Management

Shifts in Project Management Methodology Due to BIM:  Speaker: John Moebes - Crate & Barrel

Democratizing BIM Speaker: Jordan Brandt - CEO, Horizontal System
Desktop modeling applications are transitioning to collaborative cloud solutions. Learn how web accessibility and the integration of object data into universal project controls systems are enabling everyone to embrace BIM.

Oracle's Project Lifecycle Execution Solutions: Speakers: Andy Verone, VP, and Craig Larson - Oracle

Integration, BIM and Lean Methods on Healthcare Projects in California: Lessons Learned and Benefits:  Speakers: Paul M. Teicholz - Stanford University and Atul Khanzode - DPR Construction - Presentations via video conferencing

In this session we will discuss the lessons learned from the implementation of Integration, BIM and Lean methods across multiple healthcare projects in California. We will use multiple case studies and share the practical lessons teams have learned implementing these methods, what the challenges were, how the teams addressed these challenges and what benefits the projects are seeing. We will summarize our observations on the use of these methods and what it means for the project delivery processes and the potential impacts on AEC practices in the future. 

Closing Remarks Speaker: Professor Raymond J. Krizek, Director of Master of Project Management Program, Northwestern University

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