Using Building Information to Build Long-term Relationships
with Building Owners
Recognizing the value of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to owners, this program focuses on assisting contractors to understand the benefits and rewards of providing that value. Over the past five years, BIM tools have matured, while rates of implementation and proficiency have increased across the industry. As technical proficiency increases, more firms are leveraging the building information in their models to improve information workflow, streamline business operations, enhance the quality of their deliverables and fortify their bottom lines.
Many institutional and commercial owners have near-continuous capital planning (new construction and renovation) programs. Their decision-making processes depend on reliable, accurate information about their existing facilities. Learn how delivering building information can turn a project-to-project relationship into an ongoing, long-term relationship.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Employ project delivery processes to enhance building owner participation and “buy in."
- Recognize the near term benefits of BIM regarding schedule and budget compliance.
- Realize the downstream benefits of BIM regarding daily Operations and Management (O&M) and Facility Life Cycle Management (FLCM).
- And much, much more!
Who Will Benefit?
Owners, contractors, construction managers and owners' representatives who want to gain a working knowledge of BIM and related information technologies in order to help their organizations begin realizing near-term and future benefits of BIM opportunities and productivity gains can benefit from this program. This is a great opportunity to hear from these experts who use BIM in their jobs every day and to learn where BIM is today and where it is going.