By Steve Rizer
If you possess information about “innovative, transformational” green building technologies that have the potential to improve the economic and environmental performance of federal structures, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) wants to hear from you. Through a recently issued request for information (RFI), the agency’s Green Proving Ground (GPG) program is seeking such information from industry stakeholders, commercial organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.
GSA will consider the information when selecting technologies to test under GPG’s fiscal 2015 program. The program leverages GSA’s real estate portfolio to conduct “real-world” evaluations of how emerging building technologies perform in the areas of environmental impact, operational efficiency, economic value, and user satisfaction.
Selected technologies will be matched with federally owned buildings to pilot measurement and verification by objective third-party evaluators, GSA stated. Results from these evaluations could influence public- and private-sector investment decisions and help accelerate commercialization and adoption within GSA, other federal agencies, and the real-estate industry.
The RFI will be open to applications through Nov. 7. Parties interested in submitting information can review the RFI on at
The ConstructionPro Network member version of this article includes the transcript of an interview that ConstructionPro Week conducted with GPG Program Director Kevin Powell about the RFI.