ConstructionPro Week, Volume: 4 - Issue: 11 - 03/20/2015
New UFGS Schedule Specification, Many Changes; Expect Controversy
By Paul Levin, PSP The Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Division 01 – General Requirements, Section 01 32 01.00 10, Project Schedule, was updated last month with a number of interesting changes and new sections. The following notes are not inclusive of all changes, but point out no less than 30 significant differences from the previous version (August 2008 with Change 1 – 08/13). There are many other minor revisions including reformatting and cosmetic changes. Links to the two versions are provided at the end of the article. These provisions represent a major shift in those doing work on large Federal construction projects and are clearly intended to improve schedule quality as well as reduce or eliminate schedule "gamesmanship." One added clause references the use of the AACE Forensic Schedule Analysis (FSA) Recommended Practice, which is expected to be controversial because the FSA is a document that is more about defining analysis methodologies than it is a single, step-by-step analysis method. Also noteworthy is the Government’s use of Primavera P6 as the “default software,” complete with a listing of specific software settings and controls to be used, but providing that other software compliant with the specification may be used. Your comments are welcome. The UFGS is employed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA). Also note that UFGS 01 32 16.00 20 Small Project Construction Progress Schedules and UFGS 01 32 17.00 20 Cost-Loaded Network Analysis Schedules have also been updated; ConstructionPro Network will cover these sections in a future article(s). 1.3 Project Scheduler Qualifications | Comment: Added to the scheduler qualification requirements that the scheduler must have at least 2 years experience on similar size and type projects. | 1.3 PROJECT SCHEDULER QUALIFICATIONS Designate an authorized representative to be responsible for the preparation of the schedule and all required updating and production of reports. The authorized representative must have a minimum of 2-years experience scheduling construction projects similar in size and nature to this project with scheduling software that meets the requirements of this specification. Representative must have a comprehensive knowledge of CPM scheduling principles and application. |
2.1 Software | Comment: This section previously "Not Used." The February 2015 edition specifies Primavera P6 as the government default software but provides for alternate software. | PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SOFTWARE
The scheduling software utilized to produce and update the schedules required herein must be capable of meeting all requirements of this specification. 2.1.1 Government Default Software The Government intends to use Primavera P6.
2.1.2 Contractor Software Scheduling software used by the contractor must be commercially available from the software vendor for purchase with vendor software support agreements available. The software routine used to create the required sdef file must be created and supported by the software manufacturer. Primavera If Primavera P6 is selected for use, provide the "xer" export file in a version of P6 importable by the Government system. Other Than Primavera If the contractor chooses software other than Primavera P6, that is compliant with this specification, provide for the Government's use two licenses, two computers, and training for two Government employees in the use of the software. These computers will be stand-alone and not connected to Government network. Computers and licenses will be returned at project completion.
3.1 General Requirements | Comment: Subcontractors and suppliers working on the project must also contribute in developing and maintaining an accurate Project Schedule. (Emphasis added). The previous version said “shall.” Also clarified use of Precedence Diagram Method (PDM). | PART 3 Execution 3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
Prepare for approval a Project Schedule, as specified herein, pursuant to FAR Clause 52.236-15, SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. Show in the schedule the proposed sequence to perform the work and dates contemplated for starting and completing all schedule activities. The scheduling of the entire project is required. The scheduling of construction design and construction is the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor management personnel must actively participate in its development. Subcontractors and suppliers Designers, Subcontractors and suppliers working on the project must also contribute in developing and maintaining an accurate Project Schedule. Provide a schedule that is a forward planning as well as a project monitoring tool. Use the Critical Path Method (CPM) of network calculation to generate all Project Schedules. Prepare each Project Schedule using the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM).[Note, in the 6th sentence, "Subcontractors and suppliers Designers, Subcontractors and suppliers..." was incorrectly carried over from prior specification.]
3.2.1 Activity Cost Loading | Comment: Activity cost loading must be reasonable and without front-end loading. (Emphasis added.) The front-end loading reference is new. | 3.2.1 Activity Cost Loading Designate an authorized representative to be responsible for the preparation of the schedule and all required updating and production of reports. The authorized representative must have a minimum of 2-years experience scheduling construction projects similar in size and nature to this project with scheduling software that meets the requirements of this specification. Representative must have a comprehensive knowledge of CPM scheduling principles and application. |
3.2.2 Withholdings / Payment Rejection | Comment: This new clause states the contracting officer can direct schedule revisions. | 3.2.2 Withholdings / Payment Rejection Failure to meet the requirements of this specification may result in the disapproval of the preliminary, initial or periodic schedule updates and subsequent rejection of payment requests until compliance is met. In the event that the Contracting Officer directs schedule revisions and those revisions have not been included in subsequent Project Schedule revisions or updates, the Contracting Officer may withhold 10 percent of pay request amount from each payment period until such revisions to the project schedule have been made. |
3.3.5 Mandatory Tasks | Comment: Additions or changes to the list of activities that must be included in the schedule include: (See also 3.3.19 for new activity cost loading requirements.) | 3.3.5 Mandatory Tasks a. Submission, review and acceptance of SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals (individual activity for each). d. Long procurement activities.
i. [Changes include "Building Commissioning" in place of “HVAC.”] Submission and approval of Building Commissioning Plan, test data, and reports: Develop the schedule logic associated with testing and commissioning of mechanical systems to a level of detail consistent with the contract commissioning requirements. All tasks associated with all building testing and commissioning will be completed prior to submission of building commissioning report and subsequent contract completion.
m. [Change from "HVAC" to "Building Commissioning.] Building commissioning - Functional Performance Testing.
| Workers Per Day (WRKP) | Comment: WRKP was included in the prior specification, but was not defined. | Workers Per Day (WRKP) Assign Workers per Day for all field construction or direct work activities, if directed by the Contracting Officer. Workers per day shall be the average number of workers expected each day to perform a task for SECTION 01 32 01.00 10 the duration of that activity.
3.3.8 Contract Milestones and Constraints | Comment: Tightened up language regarding float and constraints. | 3.3.8 Contract Milestones and Constraints The use of artificial float constraints such as "zero free float" or "zero total float" are prohibited. Mandatory constraints that ignore or effect network logic are prohibited. No constrained dates are allowed in the schedule other than those specified herein. Submit additional constraints to the Contracting Officer for approval on a case by case basis. | Interim Completion Dates and Constraints | Comment: Simplified the definition of "Start Phase" and "End Phase" and removed the requirement for a Hammock activity for each phase. (Formerly sections, and | Start Phase Use a start milestone as the first activity for a project phase. The start milestone shall be called "Start Phase X" where "X" refers to the phase of work. End Phase Use a finish milestone as the last activity for a project phase. Call the finish milestone "End Phase X" where "X" refers to the phase of work.
3.3.9 Calendars | Comment: Added more specific language for the treatment of weather days. | 3.3.9 Calendars ... [Second paragraph] If an activity is weather sensitive it should be assigned to a calendar showing non-work days on a monthly basis, with the non-work days selected at random across the weeks of the calendar, using the anticipated days provided in the contract clause TIME EXTENSIONS FOR UNUSUALLY SEVERE WEATHER. The assignment of the non-work days should be over a seven-day week since weather records are compiled on seven-day weeks, which will cause some of the weather related non-work days to fall on weekends. |
3.3.10 Open Ended Logic | Comment: Added the following sentence for use in time impact analyses. | 3.3.10 Open Ended Logic ... [Second paragraph] Predecessor open ended logic may be allowed in a time impact analyses upon the Contracting Officer's approval. |
3.3.13 Added and Deleted Activities | Comment: New clause added to clarify adds and deletes. | 3.3.13 Added and Deleted Activities Do not delete activities from the project schedule or add new activities to the schedule without approval from the Contracting Officer. Activity ID and description changes are considered new activities and cannot be changed without Contracting Officer approval.
3.3.15 Leads, Lags, and Start to Finish Relationships | Comment: Clarified position on use of lags. | 3.3.15 Leads, Lags, and Start to Finish Relationships Lags must be reasonable as determined by the Government and not used in place of realistic original durations, must not be in place to artificially absorb float, or to replace proper schedule logic. a. Leads (negative lags) are prohibited. b. Start to Finish (SF) relationships are prohibited. |
3.3.16 Retained Logic | Comment: New section to address schedule software treatment of schedule calculations. | 3.3.16 Retained Logic Schedule calculations must retain the logic between predecessors and successors ("retained logic" mode) even when the successor activity(s) starts and the predecessor activity(s) has not finished (out-of-sequence progress). Software features that in effect sever the tie between predecessor and successor activities when the successor has started and the predecessor logic is not satisfied ("progress override") are not be allowed. |
3.3.18 Remaining Duration | Comment: Clarified the update treatment of remaining duration. | 3.3.18 Remaining Duration Update the remaining duration for each activity based on the number of estimated work days it will take to complete the activity. Remaining duration may not mathematically correlate with percentage found under paragraph entitled Percent Complete. |
3.3.19 Cost Loading of Closeout Activities | Comment: Added requirement to include cost loaded activities for as-built drawings and O & M manuals. | 3.3.19 Cost Loading of Closeout Activities Cost load the "Correction of punch list from Government pre-final inspection" activity(ies) not less than 1 percent of the present contract value. Activity(ies) may be declared 100 percent complete upon the Government's verification of completion and correction of all punch list work identified during Government pre-final inspection(s). As-Built Drawings If there is no separate contract line item (CLIN) for as-built drawings, cost load the "Submission and approval of as-built drawings" activity not less than $35,000 or 1 percent of the present contract value, which ever is greater, up to $200,000. Activity will be declared 100 percent complete upon the Government's approval. O & M Manuals Cost load the "Submission and approval of O & M manuals" activity not less than $20,000. Activity will be declared 100 percent complete upon the Government's approval of all O & M manuals.
3.3.20 Anticipated Adverse Weather | Comment: New clause for use in unusually severe weather. See also 3.3.9 above. | 3.3.20 Anticipated Adverse Weather Paragraph applicable to contracts with clause entitled TIME EXTENSIONS FOR UNUSUALLY SEVERE WEATHER. Reflect the number of anticipated adverse weather delays allocated to a weather sensitive activity in the activity's calendar.
3.3.21 Early Completion Schedule and the Right to Finish Early | Comment: Additional language included requiring an Initial Project Schedule to be fully resource-loaded to support an early completion schedule. | 3.3.21 Early Completion Schedule and the Right to Finish Early An Early Completion Schedule is an Initial Project Schedule (IPS) that indicates all scope of the required contract work will be completed before the contractually required completion date. [New paragraph] a. No IPS indicating an Early Completion will be accepted without being fully resource-loaded (including crew sizes and manhours) and the Government agreeing that the schedule is reasonable and achievable. |
3.4.2 Initial Project Schedule Submission | Comment: Added more language regarding design-build contracts, including more detail of construction activities. | 3.4.2 Initial Project Schedule Submission ... [New language added to this section.] If applicable, include in the design-build schedule detailed design and permitting activities, including but not limited to identification of individual design packages, design submission, reviews and conferences, permit submissions and any required Government actions, and long lead item acquisition prior to design completion. Also cover in the preliminary design-build schedule the entire construction effort with as much detail as is known at the time but, as a minimum, include all construction start and completion milestones, and detailed construction activities through the dry-in milestone, including all activity coding and cost loading. Include the remaining construction, including cost loading, but it may be scheduled summary in nature. As the design proceeds and design packages are developed, fully detail the remaining construction activities. No payment will be made for work items not fully detailed in the Project Schedule..
3.4.3 Periodic Schedule Updates | Comment: Revised language apparently intended for design-build projects. Note: Removed reference to WBS included in old specification (section 3.4.4). | 3.4.3 Periodic Schedule Updates Update the Project Schedule on a regular basis, monthly at a minimum. Provide a draft Periodic Schedule Update for review at the schedule update meetings as prescribed in the paragraph PERIODIC SCHEDULE UPDATE MEETINGS. These updates will enable the Government to assess Contractor's progress. Update the schedule to include detailed construction activities as the design progresses, but not later than the submission of the final un-reviewed design submission for each separate design package. The Contracting Officer may require submission of detailed schedule activities for any distinct construction that is started prior to submission of a final design submission if such activity is authorized.
a. Update information including Actual Start Dates (AS), Actual Finish Dates (AF), Remaining Durations (RD), and Percent Complete is subject to the approval of the Government at the meeting.
b. AS and AF dates must match the date(s) reported on the Contractor's Quality Control Report for an activity start or finish.
3.5.2 Narrative Report | Comment: Revised language to be more explicit about content included in the Narrative Report. | 3.5.2 Narrative Report Provide a Narrative Report with each schedule submission. The Narrative Report is expected to communicate to the Government the thorough analysis of the schedule output and the plans to compensate for any problems, either current or potential, which are revealed through that analysis. Include the following information as minimum in the Narrative Report:
a. Identify and discuss the work scheduled to start in the next update period. b. A description of activities along the two most critical paths where the total float is less than or equal to 20 work days. c. A description of current and anticipated problem areas or delaying factors and their impact and an explanation of corrective actions taken or required to be taken. d. Identify and explain why activities based on their calculated late dates should have either started or finished during the update period but did not. e. Identify and discuss all schedule changes by activity ID and activity name including what specifically was changed and why the change was needed. This should include at a minimum new and deleted activities, logic changes, duration changes, calendar changes, lag changes, resource changes, and actual start and finish date changes. f. Identify and discuss out-of-sequence work.
3.5.3 Schedule Reports | Comment: Added requirement to provide reports electronically in .pdf format. | 3.5.3 Schedule Reports The format, filtering, organizing and sorting for each schedule report must be as directed by the Contracting Officer. Typically, reports shall contain Activity Numbers, Activity Description, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, Early Start Date, Early Finish Date, Late Start Date, Late Finish Date, Total Float, Actual Start Date, Actual Finish Date, and Percent Complete. Provide the reports electronically in .pdf format. Provide [_____] set(s) of hardcopy reports. ...[List of required reports follows.]
| Schedule Log | Comment: New clause; description does not define a log report, however. | Schedule Log Provide a Scheduling/Leveling Report generated from the current project schedule being submitted. | Critical Path | Comment: Updated definition of critical path to "longest path." | Critical Path Show all activities on the critical path. The critical path is defined as the longest path. | Banding | Comment: Added WBS (work breakdown structure) to methodology for organizing activities. | Banding Organize activities using the WBS or as otherwise directed to assist in the understanding of the activity sequence. Typically, this flow will group activities by major elements of work, category of work, work area and/or responsibility. | Cash Flow / Schedule Variance Control (SVC) Diagram | Comment: Clarified S-Curve / Earned Value report submission. | Cash Flow / Schedule Variance Control (SVC) Diagram With each schedule submission, provide a SVC diagram showing 1) Cash Flow S-Curves indicating planned project cost based on projected early and late activity finish dates, and 2) Earned Value to-date. |
3.7 Weekly Progress Meetings | Comment: Removed sections 3.9.b and 3.9.c - requirement to produce bar chart reports and joint review. | N/A |
3.8 Requests for Time Extensions | Comment: This section has extensive changes. Some highlights are listed here. | 3.8.1 Justification of delay [added clause on multiple delays and concurrency] ... Multiple impacts must be evaluated chronologically; each with its own justification of delay. With multiple impacts consider any concurrency of delay. [added methods to use for Delay Analyses] 3.8.2 Time Impact Analysis (Prospective Analysis) Prepare a time impact analysis for approval by the Contracting Officer based on industry standard AACE 52R-06. (AACE 52R-06 (2006) Time Impact Analysis - As Applied in Construction)
3.8.3 Forensic Schedule Analysis (Retrospective Analysis) Prepare an analysis for approval by the Contracting Officer based on industry standard AACE 29R-03. (AACE 29R-03 (2011) Forensic Schedule Analysis) [Clarified position on early completion delay costs] 3.8.6 Impact to Early Completion Schedule No extended overhead will be paid for delay prior to the original Contract Completion Date for an Early Completion IPS unless the Contractor actually performed work in accordance with that Early Completion Schedule. The Contractor must show that an early completion was achievable had it not been for the impact.
3.9 Failure to Achieve Progress | Comment: Added recovery schedule provisions. | 3.9 FAILURE TO ACHIEVE PROGRESS Should the progress fall behind the approved project schedule for reasons other than those that are excusable within the terms of the contract, the Contracting Officer may require provision of a written recovery plan for approval. The plan must detail how progress will be made-up to include which activities will be accelerated by adding additional crews, longer work hours, extra work days, etc. 3.9.1 Artificially Improving Progress Artificially improving progress by means such as, but not limited to, revising the schedule logic, modifying or adding constraints, shortening activity durations, or changing calendars in the project schedule is prohibited. Indicate assumptions made and the basis for any logic, constraint, duration and calendar changes used in the creation of the recovery plan. Any additional resources, manpower, or daily and weekly work hour changes proposed in the recovery plan must be evident at the work site and documented in the daily report along with the Schedule Narrative Report.
3.9.2 Failure to Perform Failure to perform work and maintain progress in accordance with the supplemental recovery plan may result in an interim and final unsatisfactory performance rating and/or may result in corrective action directed by the Contracting Officer pursuant to FAR 52.236-15 Schedules for Construction Contracts, FAR 52.249-10 Default (Fixed-Price Construction), and other contract provisions.
3.9.3 Recovery Schedule Should the Contracting Officer find it necessary, submit a recovery schedule pursuant to FAR 52.236-15 Schedules for Construction Contracts. |
3.10 Ownership of Float | Comment: Clarified ownership of float vis-a-vis early completion as well as define "activity float" and "project float." | 3.10 OWNERSHIP OF FLOAT Except for the provision given in the paragraph IMPACT TO EARLY COMPLETION SCHEDULE, float available in the schedule, at any time, shall not be considered for the exclusive use of either the Government or the Contractor including activity and/or project float. Activity float is the number of work days that an activity can be delayed without causing a delay to the "End Project" finish milestone. Project float (if applicable) is the number of work days between the projected early finish and the contract completion date milestone. |
3.12 Primavera P6 Mandatory Requirements | Comment: Added mandatory settings to use in Primavera P6 software required for all schedule submissions. The previous specification referenced an undated USACE document titled "Primavera P6 – USACE Mandatory Requirements" that contained these settings. | 3.12 PRIMAVERA P6 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS If Primavera P6 is being used, request a backup file template (.xer) from the Government, if one is available, prior to building the schedule. The following settings are mandatory and required in all schedule submissions to the Government: a. Activity Codes must be Project Level, not Global or EPS level. b. Calendars must be Project Level, not Global or Resource level. c. Activity Duration Types must be set to "Fixed Duration & Units". d. Percent Complete Types must be set to "Physical". e. Time Period Admin Preferences must remain the default "8.0 hr/day, 40 hr/week, 172 hr/month, 2000 hr/year". Set Calendar Work Hours/Day to 8.0 Hour days. f. Set Schedule Option for defining Critical Activities to "Longest Path". g. Set Schedule Option for defining progressed activities to "Retained Logic". h. Set up cost loading using a single lump sum resource. The Price/Unit must be $1/hr, Default Units/Time must be "8h/d", and settings "Auto Compute Actuals" and "Calculate costs from units" selected. |
The new Section 01 32 01.00 10 Project Schedule specification can be found on the Whole Building Design Guide (wbdg.org) website, a program of the National Institute of Building Sciences. Click here to access the specification. The previous version (August 2008 with Change 1 – 08/13) can be accessed here. Please feel free to add to or otherwise correct/clarify the observations posted here. Thank you.
