On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
Solving the Labor Shortage Problem Through Social Media
Who would of thought? But that’s exactly what David Secunda at the Construction Informer blog advocates. Labor shortages are increasing as construction spending continues to grow and unemployment remains low. Finding and retaining good workers is a challenge all firms face. Differentiating your company from other employers competing for talent is a key factor in winning this challenge. Mr. Secunda provides a very detailed set of strategies and tactics to accomplish these goals. A nice touch are several useful examples that both help the reader understand the social media objectives, as well as serve as actual tools that can be put to use. Check the blog out here.
Concrete Placement Tolerances - Are They for Real?
Also - Developing a Workable Concrete Mix
For general and concrete specialty contractors, the Hanley-Wood Concrete Construction blog has some useful blog posts. This week, one post points out the anomaly that with accuracy of laser scanning, the tolerances specified by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) may be impossible to achieve. Click here for the Tolerances post.
A second post this week discusses concrete design for workability, which is not the same as slump. The article links to a guideline that provides general mix parameters developed by Tyler Ley of Oklahoma State University. Check it out here.
50-State Construction Lien Guide and Other Lien Resources
The zlien blog site, edited by marketing associate Olivia Huppman, contains a number of resources and interesting articles on liens, including a 50-state lien and notice deadlines guide for subcontractors and a separate guide for prime contractors. Recent posts by Ms. Huppman include an article about the particular requirements of securing lien rights in California and another on when to use an unconditional lien waiver. Visit the blog home page here to access the articles and resources.