ConstructionPro Week, Volume: Construction Advisor Today - Issue: 109 - 05/26/2011

IAPMO President Reports Several New Developments for Improving Water Efficiency

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) has made several recent strides in its quest to improve water efficiency in buildings. IAPMO President Dan Daniels shared the news at a conference that the High-Performance Building Congressional Caucus Coalition sponsored this week in Washington, D.C.

One of the developments involves the Green Plumbers training and accreditation program, which IAPMO recently acquired. Daniels revealed that the program is expected to train more than more than 5,000 plumbers, contractors, and inspectors within the next 18 months.

Green Plumbers training consists of five courses, entitled Climate Care (eight hours), Caring for Our Water (eight hours), Solar Hot Water (four hours) Water Efficient Technology (eight hours), and Inspection Report Services (four hours). Training is designed to help plumbers understand their role relating to environmental and public health and provide their customers information and advice on the following: the latest technology and energy-saving appliances; practical appliances and installation; the environmental impacts of plumbing services, appliances, and household practices; consumer information; and energy/water/cost savings (short- and long-term cost comparisons) and environmental benefits.

Daniels additionally announced the creation of a fast-track Certified Water Monitor and Certified Water Manager curriculum for federal buildings personnel, facilities managers, utility-water and energy-conservation staff, and building commissioning personnel.

“These certified water auditors and water managers will represent the key for identifying practical and affordable water-conservation measures for their buildings that will meet and exceed the 2020 conservation mandates while providing a core competency for continued future water efficiency and savings,” Daniels said.  “The IAPMO group is uniquely positioned to provide the technical and educational expertise for water-conservation components while maintaining the integrity of the building and the health and safety of the occupants.”

Daniels further reported that the first edition of IAPMO’s Green Plumbing and Mechanical Code Supplement, the first-ever green construction code published in the United States, has been adopted by the cities of Los Angeles and Houston as well as the states of South Dakota, Georgia, Illinois, and Oregon. Also, the National Standard Plumbing Code, which has been adopted and enforced in New Jersey and Maryland, will incorporate the Green Supplement in its entirety in the appendix of their 2012 code. Internationally, provisions from the Green Supplement have been adopted as the basis for water-efficiency provisions in the uniform plumbing code of India and Jordan, and for hot-water efficiency codes in Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, and elsewhere.

The first edition of the Green Supplement contains chapters on indoor-water-efficiency provisions such as alternate water sources; addressing the safe installation and use of technology such as rainwater catching systems, gray-water systems, and municipal reclaimed water in buildings; and provisions for the more efficient use of hot water.

IAPMO expects to publish the first revision of the Green Supplement early next year. The scope of the Green Supplement will be expanded to include outdoor water use provisions pertaining to non-agricultural irrigation systems, swimming pools, spas, fountains, and decorative water fixtures.

“Focusing on the water energy usage in a building is vital; it is just as critical to address water consumption and usage in areas surrounding the building as well,” Daniels said.




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