ConstructionPro Week, Volume: Construction Advisor Today - Issue: 97 - 03/03/2011

SMARTBIM and EcoScorecard Announce Merger

SMARTBIM and EcoScorecard last month announced the formation of a new company that will provide modeling services, analytics, information management, and environmental data for architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals.

SMARTBIM is a provider of analytics for users of building information modeling (BIM) technology in the AEC industry. Stemming from its roots as part of Reed Construction Data, SMARTBIM offers building products modeling and model distribution for manufacturers as well as a software application suite that combines building product information management and building product quantification and costing capabilities for architects, engineers, owners, and builders.


EcoScorecard provides building professionals the ability to search and evaluate products based on environmental characteristics. The program performs calculations for rating systems such as LEED, GGHC, Labs 21, and CHPS, and includes other third-party product certifications. The tool produces the product documentation necessary for inclusion in the submission process. EcoScorecard is free to users and is supported by manufacturers interested in making the specification of green products easier for customers and salespeople.

“In an effort to better align information and modeling in BIM, we have merged with the EcoScorecard team to offer the only fully integrated package of information-rich models and product data that delivers what Revit users need to make BIM truly work,” SMARTBIM Chief Executive Officer Arol Wolford said.

EcoScorecard President Paul Shahriari believes the newly merged company will be the first, true realization of the promise of holistic green building. “Our industry recognizes that BIM is the future. But a critical missing component has been performance and green data. With our combined offering, we can drive the adoption of sustainability principles by integrating green data and the ability to see the environmental impact and alignment with green building rating systems into the object model.”




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