
ChatGPT in Construction: Don't Get Left Behind

"... recognize that AI is a growing factor in designers and contractors’ success, despite the challenges and potential difficulties it poses. Firms that learn how to corral and intelligently direct the massive capabilities of generative AI programs such as ChatGPT will thrive in the fast-approaching future. Those that fail to control it, or let it pass them by entirely, will fall behind."
Rich Friedman in ENR, July 26, 2023   
Check out AI Construction News and The Guild to ChatGPT for Design and Construction.  The 75-page Guide provides more than 24 use cases to apply ChatGPT to everything from documentation to comparing estimates and even generating a cost- and resource-loaded schedule!  Recent coverage include AI-Powered Planning and Scheduling eBooks, ChatGPT for safety management and the start of our series on AI in design. As professionals interested in claims, you'll find ChatGPT (and Bard and Bing variants) will save you many hours of time while improving your workflow.
The $100 charter discount is available until the end of July (extended to August 6).  We guarantee you will not be disappointed.  Visit aiconstructionnews.com today to check it out!




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