On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
Hot Work Requires Attention
Preventing fires and explosions from errant sparks requires attention to environmental factors when planning and performing work. "Sparks" is one of four possible "hot work" sources defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) according to a recent post at the Tocci Blog. The other three are arcs, flames and heat generation, with the latter being more difficult to identify. One example is abrasive blasting. The blog discusses these issues and outlines thought processes that should go into panning operations, looking for fuel sources, such as spilled gas for a recently filled generator. Learn more about the risks and prevention involved with hot work here. Or if you need to assess the safety procedures on your project and learn best practices for preventing jobsite accidents and fatalities, join Neil Opfer on Thursday, January 26 - click here to learn more.
Fanciful Stadium Heading to Las Vegas; Maybe
If the Oakland Raiders leave Oakland for Las Vegas, they will likely be playing by 2020 in a new $1.2 billion stadium designed by MANICA Architecture. According to David Malone writing at the Building Design + Construction blog, the stadium will feature an open-aired main entrance, a transparent roof and a retractable natural turf field. Learn more and see renderings at the BD+C blog here.
Beyonce Tower - What Can We Say?
Construction recently started on a 79-story tower in Melbourne, Australia that many liken to a curvaceous woman in black cloth dancing à la Beyonce. The $350 million AUD ($263 million USD) hotel/apartment project was designed by Elenberg Fraser using parametric modelling and will also house retail and cafes.