On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
Advanced Analytics and Digital Transformation in Construction and Infrastructure
Kenny Ingram, writing at the IFS Blog, tackles the topic of how digital technologies and "big data" are starting to impact how construction projects are delivered and how assets are subsequently operated and maintained. Many of these technologies have been regularly covered by ConstructionPro Week, including building information modeling (BIM), 4D scheduling, 3D printing, drones, laser scanning, robotics and automation and virtual reality. Ingram adds to this list the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data and analytics, noting that traditionally contractors see this primarily of interest to the owner only. But asset owners will be demanding more in the way of performance and outcomes from the builders of their assets, something that contractors should start thinking about. Check out the full post here to learn more and to download IFS's bid data and analytics white paper.
What Will Infrastructure Funding Look Like Under Trump?
That's anybody's guess at this point. In a Nov. 30, 2016 article in the Washington Post, Ashley Halsey reviews Trump's promise to spend $1 trillion. Tax-credits and investor-based funding will only work in populated areas, and will unlikely raise sufficient funds to build roads and bridges in rural America. Another issue Halsey raises is the theory that infrastructure-funded job creation due to tax breaks will result in more income tax revenue to offset those breaks. Halsey points out that with unemployment down to 4.9%, many construction workers are already back to work and there will not be large numbers of new hires. Read Halsey's article here.
Superfast Arbitration Clause
Jasmine Gardner and Mabry Rogers discuss the subject of arbitration clauses that require the arbitrators to make a decision within 30 days, or 60 days, of the arbitration panel being selected. While addressed to construction attorneys, this raises some interesting questions and those entering into agreements should look twice at the arbitration clauses before finalizing a contract. Read the full post here.