On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
New Small Business Mentor-Protégé Program Announced by SBA
According to Michael Payne and Maria Panichelli at the Federal Construction Contracting Blog, it will become increasingly difficult for small business concerns to successfully compete against mentor-protégé’s and it will become more difficult for large business concerns to participate in federal contracting without engaging in mentor-protégé arrangements (particularly if the number of small business set-aside solicitations increases). Read the full post here.
Mentoring in Construction
Whether you're a federal contractor or not, mentoring makes for good business. With recent proclaimed cries for more skilled people entering (and staying in) the construction workforce, mentoring is a good place to start insuring the future of your construction industry business. At the Sage Construction and Real Estate blog, Deb Carpenter Beck encourages you to check out two popular programs; click here to read more.
Running Job Sites Like an Assembly Line
An assembly line has people in place to perform work as the production article moves along. On a construction site, having the people at the right place at the right time is more of a challenge. Reuben D. at the Contractor Talk blog explains how assembly line thinking can pay off on a construction site, including some tips and suggestions. Check out this very good post here.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Air Compressor
Also from the Contractor Talk blog, we have a quick reminder about something we often take for granted -- the air compressor. Check out Sibie Hedingham's post here on purchasing (or renting) the right one and important maintenance tips.