On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
6 Steps for Generating Sales Leads
Last week, we reported on use of social media to help staffing needs. Social media is also one of the six key methods for obtaining inbound leads for new jobs, according to Mark Buckshon at the Construction Marketing Ideas blog. In an interview with Jim Lamelza of DataBid, the post relates how DataBid transitioned from multiple teams of outbound telemarketers to an inbound team of sales representatives. While DataBid is selling a data service rather than construction services, the recommended methods for generating leads are certainly recommended for the construction community. Click here for the complete post.
Smart Cities Require Smart Construction
In case you haven’t noticed, our world is on a path towards the future of smart cities. Self-driving cars, electric charging stations, control of public facilities and transportation and expansive security apparatus, among other aspects of our connected society are collectively altering the landscape of how our cities will look and evolve. This is a good place to start thinking about how your own role can evolve to become involved in smart construction; check out this short collection of blog posts and articles:
Lien Waivers for Owners
Last week, we referenced Construction Payment Blog as a valuable reference for prime and subcontractors. In a post this week, Olivia Huppman provides valuable tips on lien waivers for owners who hire contractors. Check out this week's blog on lien waivers here.
The Shape of 3D-printed Houses to Come
Past posts have focused on concrete/grout additive methods to create full scale structures with a 3D printer. A more recent trend is using 3D printers to create a structural framework followed by traditional methods. A project to print a futuristic house in Chattanooga Tennessee this July is truly intriguing. A customized robotic is used to extrude carbon fiber reinforced ABS plastic into a complex, large-scale structure. Read the article here.
Be sure to check out the walk-thru “sketchfab” app towards the bottom of the article, particularly if you have a virtual reality device like Google. But be aware it may take a few minutes to load.