On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
Indoor GPS on the Construction Site
Aarni Heiskanen of the AEC Business blog recently posted an interview with Antti Korhonen, CEO of Repoint Positioning Corp. of Cambridge, MA. The subject matter was Redpoint’s 20cm location accuracy technology platform for tracking personnel and objects indoors. The interview introduces the use of the technology for real-time tracking of personnel and construction activity. Uses of the data include enhanced safety and security as well as developing analytics, for both performance improvement as well as claims support. Check out the interview here.
4D Scheduling Ramping Up
In this week’s ENR Information Technology, Deputy Editor Tom Sawyer takes an in-depth look at the world of 4D scheduling. 4D scheduling connects activities in a construction schedule to objects in a building model, allowing the visualization on a computer screen of an animation of how the project will be built. Sawyer expertly describes the two major approaches being used in the industry to accomplish this, and interviews several users who are finding the tools useful in a number of ways, including tender presentations, construction planning, support for lean construction and even enhancing jobsite safety. Click here to access the article.
IRS Luxury Car Depreciation Limitations – Consider an Upscale Pickup Truck
An interesting post at the Aronsonblogs site by Jasmine Cook cautions against overly optimistic business expense deductions when considering purchase of a new car for business and personal use. Cook notes the current IRS yearly depreciation deduction limitations, which can even affect non-luxury car purchases. However, pickup trucks north of 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) are eligible for a first-year expense deduction up to $25,000. Maybe that pickup with leather seating and premium sound system upgrade should be your next business vehicle. Check out the blog post here.