On a regular basis, we highlight content posted on other blogs that we feel would benefit our readers. This week's blog highlights include:
In Just 10 Short Years - Millennials Will Comprise the Majority of the Workforce
At the Gordian Group blog, we learned about a recent survey conducted by FMI, a highly regarded management consulting firm dedicated to the engineering and construction industry. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, millennials will comprise the majority of the workforce by 2025. The blog notes highlights of the survey, indicating that millennials are willing to work harder, stay with employers longer under the right circumstances, and seek challenging assignments. Check the blog out here to start planning your strategies to hire and retain millennials. The 30-page report can be downloaded for free at the FMI website here.
Labor Shortage Is a Major Problem in the Face of Rising Construction Spending
Another labor force topic appeard in a second post last Thursday at the Gordian Group blog. The blog, and attached article, notes that while construction spending is reaching new highs, the labor-shortage problem is becoming one of construction’s most pressing challenges. Visit the blog and article here.
Tips for Attracting Millennials into Construction
As long as we’re on the topic of construction labor and millennials, Megan Wild’s article at the ConAppGuru blog is worth reading. Wild provides tips on how to reach millennials and what your job postings should say to make your company more appealing. Check out the blog post here.