5 marketing ideas for under $500
At the InCredibly blog, which serves as the educational arm of Credibly, a small business lending platform, Tony Booth provides five construction marketing ideas that cost less than $500. Showing appreciation to existing customers is at the top of the list. As in any industry, your existing clients are your best customers, and it pays to keep in touch with them. Booth suggests ways that both keep your name in front of them, but can translate to new business. Other suggestions include referral programs, community events, demonstrations and free consultations. Click here for the complete blog post.
Top 5 uses for tablets in the field
Rob McKinney writing at the ConAppGuru blog relates the top five uses for tablet computers on construction sites. Checking emails and doing estimates are not on the list, but viewing plans, completing daily reports, progress photos, time-card entry, and documenting safety are. Whether you use a laptop or a tablet already, it is worth checking out this post, which also suggests specific applications available for each activity -- click here to access the site.
Study suggests a different way to assign overhead
In an updated post at the ConstructionInformer blog, Duane Craig introduces an alternative for allocating overhead costs. Based on a study by the Lean Construction Institute, Craig relates the benefits of allocating certain management costs to associated job activities rather than to the overall corporate overhead. If you're struggling to understand why the profits on your jobs are not meeting your expectations, check out this blog post here.
Four major points for successful project management
At the blog sponsored by CLMA®, Daniel Groves most recent post sums up four major points for successful management of projects:
- Assess potential risks before you begin
- Assemble a qualified team
- Know your project’s critical path
- Clearly outline a system for any project changes
While Groves focuses on labor risk, which is his company’s core competence, he does make some good points every project manager should think about in doing a risk assessment before starting a project. Groves does get credit for emphasizing attention to the project’s critical path. The staff of ConstructionPro Network strongly believes in the value of active use CPM scheduling for management of projects. A significant number of projects still fall into the habit of using the schedule only for progress payments and as a tool for potential delay claims. Click here for the complete blog post.