ConstructionPro Week, Volume: 5 - Issue: 11 - 03/18/2016

FAA Releases Pre-Approved Drone List for "333" Exemption Approvals

With the number of FAA 333 Exemptions for commercial use of drones about to hit 4,000, the FAA has released a list of more than 1,100 pre-approved drone makes and models, an apparent first step in easing the ability to get an exemption. This will relieve the petitioner of the need to submit supporting documentation on the capability and features of the specific drone if it is already on the list:

Approved Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Make/Model under Section 333

Below is a list of UAS previously approved by the Secretary of Transportation under Section 333 of the 2012 FAA Modernization and Reform Act. The UAS below were submitted to the FAA in petitions for exemption for UAS operations. It includes UAS readily available for purchase as well as those built by petitioners which are not available for purchase from retailers. The list is not an endorsement by the FAA of any UAS. Currently, commercial, and other non-model aircraft, operations require an exemption, valid Section 333 determination, and a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA). Operators are required to register their UAS, and operate within requirements established in the rule, exemption, and the COA. For more information, please visit This list will be updated monthly.


The March 4, 2016 version of the list is available here and shown below. In case the link is not working, visit and search for "FAA-2007-3330-0007" to get the latest list. 



1. 3D Robotics Aero
2. 3D Robotics Aero-M
3. 3D Robotics ArduCopter Hexacopter
4. 3D Robotics DIY Quad Kit
5. 3D Robotics Fixed Wing Plane
6. 3D Robotics Iris
7. 3D Robotics Iris +
8. 3D Robotics Multirotor
9. 3D Robotics Quad-D
10. 3D Robotics Quadrotor
11. 3D Robotics Solo
12. 3D Robotics Solo Agco
13. 3D Robotics Spektre
14. 3D Robotics X4
15. 3D Robotics X8
16. 3D Robotics X8 + (tethered)
17. 3D Robotics X8+
18. 3D Robotics X8-M
19. 3D Robotics Y6
20. 3i Project Management 2Seas-20
21. A2Tech RV-02
22. AAI Corporation Aerosonde 4
23. AAI Corporation Aerosonde Mark 4.4
24. Accurate Automation Corporation EyeFly
25. Action Drone AD1 Drone System
26. Action Drone AD-2
27. Action Drone D-Talon Drone System
28. Adaptive Flight Hornet Mini UAS
29. Adaptive Flight, Inc. Hornet Maxi
30. Advanced UAV Technology AT-100
31. Advanced UAV Technology AT-30
32. AEE AP10
33. AEE F50
34. AEE Technology Toruk AP-10
35. Aerial Agriculture Fixed-Wing Drone
36. Aerial Agriculture Quad
37. Aerial Cameras ACS XX8L
38. Aerial Cinema500
39. Aerial MOB Halo 8 Heavy Lifter
40. Aerial MOB Heavy Lifter
41. Aerial MOB Heavy Lifter Mark II UAS
42. Aerial MOB Light Lifter
43. Aerial MOB Light Lifter Mark II
44. Aerial MOB Long Endurance
45. Aerial MOB Mini Racer
46. Aerial Pixels - Fx8Pro Elite
47. Aerial Remote Mineral Detection System (ARMDS)
48. Aerial Technology AG550
49. Aerialtronics Altura Zenith ATX8
50. Aericam X6
51. Aeritech I-Soar
52. Aero Composites Innovations R^2 / AS 20
53. Aero Composites Innovations V 250
54. Aerobo
55. AeroCamera - SR 15
56. AeroCine Kopterworx Hammer X12
57. Aerocon Inspector-201
58. Aerocon Inspector-301
59. Aeroland UAV, Inc. AL-4
60. Aeroland UAV, Inc. AL-20
61. AeroLogix - Geostar
62. Aerologix Gemini Fixed-wings UAS
63. Aeromao AeroMapper 300
64. Aeromao Aeromapper EV-2
65. Aeromao Talon
66. Aeronautics Defense Systems Orbiter I
67. Aeronautics Defense Systems Orbiter II
68. Aeronavics Octocopter Heavy Lift
69. Aeronavics Sky Jib
70. Aeronavics SkyJib 8 v.2 Heavy Lifter
71. Aeronavics SkyJib X4 XL
72. Aeronavics X4 Titanium
73. Aerosky – RoboSurfer
74. AeroSky 550
75. Aerosky C17
76. Aerosky X350
77. AeroTactix Ltd. Skyzer 100
78. AeroTactix Ltd. Skyzer 450
79. Aerotekniikka UAV Oy M-011
80. Aeroterrascan Indonesia Ai-450
81. Aerotestra IVAN MK09
82. Aerovel Flexrotor
83. AeroVironment Puma
84. AeroVironment Qube
85. AeroVironment RQ-11A Raven
86. AeroVironment RQ-11B Raven
87. AeroVironment RQ-14A DragonEye
88. AeroVironment Shrike
89. Aeryon Scout
90. Aeryon SkyRanger
91. AgBot
92. AgEagle
93. AgEagle AG550
94. AgEagle Rapid
95. AgEagle Robotic
96. AgGasser
97. Agribotix Enduro Quad
98. Agribotix Hornet Drone
99. AgScout
100. AgScout Mini
101. AGX Tecnologia Ltda ARARA II
102. AGX Tecnologia Ltda Tiriba
103. Aibotix Aibot X-6
104. AiDrones, GmbH AiD-H14
105. AiDrones, GmbH AiD-H19
106. Aimdroix Evo One
107. Air Ready Copter
108. Air Rover AR-300
109. Airborne Robotics AIR6
110. Airbus Defence and Space DVF 2000 (aka CARD)
111. Airbus Defence and Space Tracker (formerly DRAC)
112. Aircover QR425
113. AirCover QR-425s
114. Aircover QRT825
115. Airfield – Extreme Surfer Power Glider
116. Airphrame 300
117. AirRobot AR 100
118. AirRobot AR 180
119. AirRobot AR 200
120. AirRobot AR000114
121. AirShark Hexacopter
122. AirShark Octacopter
123. AirShark QuadCopter
124. Airwing UAV – Talon
125. Air-X
126. Albatross Applied Aeronautics
127. Alcore Technologies Azimut 2
128. Alcore Technologies Biodrone
129. Align M690
130. Align T-REX 450 Plus DFC
131. Align T-Rex 500E
132. Align T-Rex F3C
133. Allied Drone HornetCam
134. Allied Drones AT-28
135. Allied Drones AW1 EOS
136. Allied Drones Chaos X-8
137. Allied Drones EF-44 Atlas
138. Allied Drones HL11 Atlas
139. Alpha Unmanned Systems Commando
140. Alpha Unmanned Systems Sniper
141. Alpi Aviation Strix
142. ALPS Raven X-8
143. Altavian Nova F6500
144. Altavian Nova R8400
145. Altavian, Inc. Condor
146. Altavian, Inc. Nova Block III
147. Altus Delta LRX
148. Altus Delta X-4
149. Altus Delta X-8
150. Alware Cyclone X8
151. American Drones Eagle
152. American Drones Falcon
153. American Drones Nighthawk
154. American Drones Phoenix
155. Andy 1
156. Andy 2
157. APH-22
158. Apollo
159. Applewhite Aero Jago B
160. Applewhite Aero MILO
161. Applied Aeronautics - Albatross MAX UAV
162. Applied Aeronautics Albatross
163. Applied Research, Inc. Mantra Bihrle
164. Apprentice
165. Approved Amazon UAS (confidential)
166. Aquacopter Multi-Purpose VTOL
167. AR Drone 2.0
168. AR-540 Quad Rotor
169. AR-960 Hex Rotor
170. Arch Aerial – Atlas-1
171. Arch Aerial OCTO multi-rotor UAS
172. ARCTURUS UAV T-15e (JUMP 15)
173. ARF-Mikro OktoXL
174. ARF-Mikrokopter OktoXL 6S12
175. Arizona Balloon Company Helium Blimp 14’
176. Arris hexacoper
177. Arris M680 Hexa
178. Ascending Technologies Falcon 8
179. Ascending Technologies Hummingbird UAS
180. Ascending Technologies Pelican
181. Ascent AeroSystems Sprite
182. AscentAero Sprite
184. Astraeus Aerial Cinema System V.3CS
187. ATI/AG RG550
188. Atlantic RC Aircraft LC047
189. Atlas Helicopter
190. AttoPilot, LLC Devil Ray
191. AttoPilot, LLC Foamaroo
192. AttoPilot, LLC Jackaroo
193. AttoPilot, LLC Mini Devil Ray
194. Auburn EasyStar
195. Auburn War Eagle
196. Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation Skate SUAS
197. Aurora Integrated Systems Urban View
198. AutoCopter G15
199. Autonomous Avionics SkyTractor
200. Autonomous Flight Technologies HIRRUS
201. Autonomous Flight Technologies SOIM I
202. AutoSOAR UA
203. AV44
204. AV-900
205. Avartek Co Ky Kb AT-04rc / AT-04ap
206. B Mapua and Partners Assunta
207. Barnard Microsystems, Ltd. InView
208. Baykar Makina Malazgirt
209. Beijing Always Flying Technology Co., Ltd Free Bird
210. Beijing Always Flying Technology Co., Ltd Single Soldier I
211. Beijing Chunyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. CY-01H Huaying
212. Beijing Chunyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. CY-01V Huaying
213. Beijing Chunyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. CY-02 White
214. Beijing Chunyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. CY-04 Raven
215. Beijing Chunyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. CY-05 Rapid Eye
216. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd. T10 Hornet
217. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd. T10S
218. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd. T15
219. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd. T20
220. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd. T6
221. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd.T10 Hornet
222. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd.T15
223. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd.T20
224. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd.T-EZ
225. Beijing Pilotless UAV Technology Co., Ltd PLT05
226. Beijing Pilotless UAV Technology Co., Ltd. PLT02
227. Beijing Pilotless UAV Technology Co., Ltd. PLT03
228. Beijing Pilotless UAV Technology Co., Ltd. PLT04
229. Beijing Pilotless UAV Technology Co., Ltd. PLT06
230. Bergen – Folding Hexacopter
231. Bergen Octocopter
232. Bihrle Applied Research, Inc.Mantra
233. Birdseyeview FireFly 6
234. Bixler 3DR Plane
235. Blackbird AriesX10
236. Blade 180 QX HD
237. Blade 350QX
238. Blade 350QX2
239. Blade 350QX3
240. Blade 360QX
241. Blade 450X
242. Blade 550X
243. Blade Chroma
244. Blade Nano QX
245. BlueBird Aero Systems MicroB
246. BlueBird Aero Systems SpyLite
247. BlueBird Aero Systems ThunderB
248. BlueBird Aero Systems WanderB
249. Bonn Hungary Electronics Ltd. BXAP15
250. Bormatec Maja UAV
251. BOSH Technologies Condor/Condor A
252. BOSH Technologies Super Swiper
253. BOSH Technologies Swiper
254. Brandebury Tool Company, Inc. Scythe
255. Brican Flight Systems, Inc. TD100E
256. Brock Technologies, Inc. SPEAR
257. Brock Technologies, Inc. BT20 EEL
258. BTE Super Flyin' King
259. BumbleBee 550
260. Bumblebee Carbon Fiber Quadcopter
261. Bumblebee-S
262. C9D-BD Butterfly Dragon
263. Carbon Core 950
264. Carbon Core Cortex Octocopter
265. Carbon Core Cortex Quadcopter
266. Carbon Core H650
267. Carbon Core Octocopter 1000
268. Carbon Core X8
269. Carbon-Based Technology, Inc. Avian
270. C-Astral Aerospace BRAMOR rTK
271. C-Astral Atlas UAS
272. C-Astral Bramor gEO
273. C-ASTRAL, Inc. Bramor C4EYE
274. CATUAV Argos
275. CATUAV Argos Electric
276. CATUAV Atmos-6
277. CATUAV Furos
278. CCO w/Wkm M
279. Century Neo 660
280. Cheerson CX-10
281. Cheerson CX-20
282. China TranComm Technologies Co., Ltd SKY-09
283. China TranComm Technologies Co., Ltd SKY-01
284. China TranComm Technologies Co., Ltd SKY-09H
285. China TranComm Technologies Co., Ltd SKY-09P
286. China TranComm Technologies Co., Ltd SKY-19
287. Christopher Todd Hill X8L
288. Chuguev Aircraft Repair Plant Strepet-LK
289. Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology Magic-Eye
290. CineCopter II
291. CiS GmbH Ikarus
292. CK-601 Hexacopter
293. CK-801 Coaxial Octocopter
294. CK-802 Coaxial Octocopter
295. Coaxial Quad Multirotor VAO1-V1
296. Coaxial Quad Multirotor VAO2-V2
297. Codarra Advanced Systems AVATAR
298. Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn. Bhd ALUDRA SR-08
299. Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn. Bhd Intisar 100
300. CopelandRED LLC Delta Wing Aircraft
301. Copterra AP-1
302. Cranfield Aerospace Cassius
303. Cranfield Aerospace Observer
304. Crop Coptor
305. Cropcam
306. CyberFlight CyberEye I
307. CyberFlight E-Swift Eye
308. CyberFlight Zygo
309. CyberQuad Maxi
310. CyPhy Works Lvl 1
311. CyPhy Works Persistent Aerial Reconnaissance and Communications (PARC) (tethered)
312. DAx8
313. DBCarbon X8
314. DebonAir UAV Technologies Dunas X8L
315. Defence Research and Development Organisation Imperial Eagle
316. Defence Research and Development Organisation Slybird A
317. Defence Research and Development Organisation Slybird B
318. Delair-Tech DT-18
319. Delair-Tech DT-26
320. Delft Dynamics B.V. RH2 Stern
321. Delta Drone Delta Y
322. DJI Flame Wheel F450
323. DJI Flame Wheel F550
324. DJI Inspire
325. DJI Inspire 1
326. DJI Inspire 2
327. DJI Matrice 100
328. DJI Matrix
329. DJI Phantom 1
330. DJI Phantom 1 Trainer
331. DJI Phantom 2
332. DJI Phantom 2 Vision
333. DJI Phantom 2 Vision+
334. DJI Phantom 2+
335. DJI Phantom 3
336. DJI Phantom 3 Advanced
337. DJI Phantom 3 Professional
338. DJI Phantom FC40
339. DJI Phantom Vision +
340. DJI Spreading Wings S1000 (tethered)
341. DJI Spreading Wings S450
342. DJI Spreading Wings S550
343. DJI Spreading Wings S900 (tethered)
344. DJI Spreading Wings 1000
345. DJI Spreading Wings S1000
346. DJI Spreading Wings S1000+
347. DJI Spreading Wings S800
348. DJI Spreading Wings S800 EVO
349. DJI Spreading Wings S900
350. DMG 560
351. DraganFlyer - Commander
352. Draganflyer Guardian
353. Draganflyer Tango
354. Draganflyer X4ES
355. Draganflyer X4P
356. Draganflyer X6
357. Draganflyer X8
358. Dragonfly Pictures, Inc.DP-6XT Whisper
359. Dreamfly Walkera Voyager 3
360. Droidworx Skyjib 8/X4
361. Drone America, Inc. HuginnAir SE
362. Drone America, Inc. Muninn
363. Drone Aviation Corp Watt (tethered)
364. Drone Aviation Corp WATT-200 (tethered)
365. Drone Fleet Carbon Fiber V5
366. DroneMetrex Pty, Ltd. TopoDrone-500
367. DroneMetrex Pty, Ltd.TopoDrone-100
368. Dronetech, LLC. AV-2 Pelican
369. DroneWorks i1
370. DSLR Pros P-2 Nighthawk
371. DT C8S1300mm Octocopter
372. Duas X8
373. Duas Y6
374. Dutch Space BV Man-Portable Aerial Terrain Explorer (MATE)
375. DWX BIG X
377. DWX Lil X
378. DWX Lil Y
379. DWX PGX8
380. DWX PGY6
381. DYS D800-X8
382. Eagle VTOL
383. ECA-Infotron IT180
384. Echar 20A XMobots Robotics Systems
385. Efigenia Aerospace Robotics EJ-1B Mozart
386. E-flight Carbon-Z Cub
387. E-Flite Apprentice
388. Ejercito de Chile Lascar
389. Elbit Systems Skylark 1-LE
390. ELI Military Simulations SWAN III
391. ELIMCO E100
392. ELIMCO E200 Scan
393. ELIMCO E300 Viewer
394. Embention W200
395. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University ERFC UAS
396. EMT Fancopter
398. ENICS JSC T10E "Eleron-10"
399. ENICS JSC T23E "Eleron-3"
400. Eodrones 250
401. Eodrones FTW
402. Eodrones FTX
403. Eodrones HLH
404. EPO Fixed Wing
405. Event 38 E384
406. Evolution Matrix XL/Davinci (EMXLD)
409. Falcon 8
410. Falcon UAV
411. Falcon VTOL
412. FE1800S Skyhunter
413. FH 450
414. Fiberflight Systems S.L.Victor Mk II
415. Fiberflight Systems S.L.Victor Mk III
416. Fibre Flight Ltd. SENTINEL
417. Fire Sprite
418. First Aerial Responder Sight
419. Flame Wheel G4 7.8 Skycrane
420. Flare Quadcopter
421. Flight Test Dragonfly
422. Flint Hills Solutions, LLC. FH-520
423. Flint Hills Solutions, LLC. FH-620
424. FlyAbility Gimball
425. Flying Cinema Cinetank MK2
426. Flying Production, Ltd.Da Vinci
427. Flying-Cam 3.0 SARAH
428. Fly-N-Sense Seeker 1300
429. FLYPRO PX400
430. FlyTop Srl FlyMax
431. FlyTop Srl FlySecur
432. FlyTrex Sky 44
433. Flyzone Sensei
434. Formica X4
435. Formica X8
436. Fotokite Pro (tethered)
437. Foxtech D130
438. Foxtech Kraken 130
439. FPV Flying Mugin
440. FPV-Factory Mariner
441. FPV-Factory Mariner 2
442. Freefly Cinestar 6
443. Freefly Cinestar 8
444. Freefly Cinestar 8 HL
445. Freefly Cinestar 8 Okto XL
446. Freefly Cinestar X8
447. FreeFly Systems ALTA RTF
448. Frontier Galaxy 700H
449. Fuji Imvac Inc. A-4
450. Fuji Imvac Inc. D-5
451. FX-61
452. FX8 Elite Pro
453. G4 7.8 Skycrane
454. G4 Eagle
455. G4 Service-Drone Blackbird
456. G4 Service-Drone Recon One
457. G4 Surveying Robot
458. GB-250z
459. GB-450z
460. GeoBlu Surveyor 800
461. GeoScan GeoScan 101
462. GeoScan GeoScan 201
463. GeoScan GeoScan 401
464. GeoStar
465. Germap – G212
466. Germap – G47-X8
467. Germap – G65-Y6
468. Germap – SmartOneC
469. GerMAP G180
470. GerMAP G220
471. Ghost Aerial
472. Ghost Basic
473. Global Flight Systems Eos-alpha
474. Global Flight Systems Eos-beta
475. Global Teknik Havacilik GLOBIHA
476. Globalindo Technology Service Indonesia Kujang
477. Globalindo Technology Service Indonesia Tamingsari
478. goFarm GF-1
479. GreenX Bald Eagle
480. Gryphon Dynamics – Dodeca
481. Gryphon Dynamics – Hexa
482. Gryphon Dynamics – Octo
483. Gryphon Dynamics – Y6
484. Gryphon Dynamics GD6
485. Gryphon Dynamics X12 1800
486. Gryphon Dynamics X8
487. Gryphon Dynamics XQ800F
488. Gryphon Multirotor
489. GT80X
490. Guangzhou Walkera Technology Co. LTD QR X800
491. Guidance UAS
492. Guided Systems Technologies, Inc. SiCX-12
493. Guided Systems Technologies, Inc.SiCX-12
494. H20 Hex
495. H4-680
496. Hanseatic Aviation Solutions GmbH S180Mk.2
497. Hanseatic Aviation Solutions GmbH S360
498. Harris 18 HL
499. Harris H15
500. Hawk UAS – Silex Systems F15
501. Hawkeye 1700
502. Hawkeye UAV RQ-84Z AreoHawk
503. HEFF
504. Height Tech HT-6
505. Height Tech HT-8 C180
506. Height Tech HT-8/HT-8 C
507. HeliCam Octocopter
508. Helios 960
509. Helipal - Storm Drone 4
510. Helipal - Storm Drone 4 Mini
511. Helipal - Storm Drone 4 Naza
512. Helipal - Storm Drone 6 Naza
513. Helipal - Storm Drone 8 Naza V2
514. Helipal - Storm Drone AntiGravity
515. Helipal Storm Racing Drone RTF SRD180 Pro
516. Helipal Storm Racing Drone RTF SRD250 Pro
517. Helipal Storm Racing Drone RTF SRD260 Pro
518. Helipal Storm Racing Drone RTF SRD280 v2
519. Helipal Storm Type A V2 Racing
520. Helipse HE 190 AP
521. Hex
522. Hex Mini
523. HexaCrafter HC-1100
524. HexaCrafter HC-650
525. HexaCrafter HC-800
526. HexaCrafter HO-1250
527. HexaCrafter HQ-1150
528. HexaCrafter HQ-850
529. HGA 550-01
530. HighEyeHEF 30-Ca
531. HK470
532. HMF550
533. Hobbico Hobbistar 60
534. Hobby UAV Techpod
535. HobbyKing Bixler 2
536. HobbyKing Bixler Fixed Wing Trainer
537. HobbyKing Fixed Wing RC
538. HoneyComb AgDrone
539. Horizon HPS4000
540. Horizons Aerial Technologies KIWITWide
541. Horsefly UAS
542. Hot Gears MR-14
543. Hoverfly BigSky 60
544. Hoverfly H-Frame
545. Hoverfly LiveSky
546. Hoverfly Scripta
547. Hoverfly Spectra
548. Hoverfly Systems Aeronavics Erista 8/Skyjib 8
549. Hoverfly Systems/Aeronavics
550. Hoverfly Systems/Sky Hero Spyder 700 Quad
551. HoverlitDR Plane tethered aerial platform (tethered)
552. HSE UAV – DRASS Q1000
553. Hubei Ewatt Technology Co., Ltd. EWGII
554. Hubsan Spyhawk
555. Hubsan X4 H109S
556. Hubsan X4 micro drone
557. HVP 14301 Multi Rotor
558. ICR Quadcopter
559. ICR X8
560. Identified System
561. Ideon BSK Defense
562. IDETEC Unmanned Systems Stardust II
563. IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. IA-12A Stark
564. IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. IA-17A Manta
565. IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. IA-17B Manta
566. IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. IA-17C Manta
567. Immersion RC Vortex
569. Infotron IT 180-5 TH
570. Infotron IT80
571. ING Robotic Aviation Serenity
572. Ingenieurgesellschaft ALADIN EMT
573. Innocon MicroFalcon LP
574. Innocon Spider
575. Innovaciones y Desarrollos Aeronauticos ALACRAN
576. Innovaciones y Desarrollos Aeronauticos MILVUS
577. Inova One X8
578. InovalDrone:Inova One
579. Insitu, Inc. ScanEagle
580. Insitu, Inc. ScanEagle 2
581. InspecTools X8 (ITX8)
582. InstantEye Mk-2
583. InstantEye Mk-2 Gen2
584. InstantEye Mk-2 Gen3
585. Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych Nietoperz-3L (Bat-3L)
586. Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych Rybak "Fisherman"
587. Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych SMCP-JU Komar "Mosquito"
589. Integrated Dynamics Border Eagle MK-II
590. Integrated Dynamics Explorer
591. Integrated Dynamics Spirit
592. Intuitive Aerial Aerigon
593. Intuitive Aerigon IAH3
594. Invenio
595. Irkut Irkut-2M
596. Irkut Irkut-3
597. Israel Aerospace Industries Bird Eye 400
598. Israel Aerospace Industries Bird Eye 650
599. ITX8
600. Jason A. Gadrim H4 Hornet V2
601. Jason A. Gadrim H6 Hornet
602. Jason A. Gadrim JasGad 550
603. Javad Triumph-F1
604. JJRC H16 YiZhan Trantula X6
605. JTT - Jiuxing Tianli Technology “T-50 & T-60”
606. K1000-4
607. K680-4
608. KA X800 Multirotor
609. Kadet Defence Systems FireBee
610. Kadet Defence Systems JX 2
611. Kaizen Eye Multi-Purpose VTOL UAS
612. Kaizen Guardian Extended Endurance Multi-Purposes VTOL UAS
613. Kaizen Phoenix Multi-Purpose Fixed-Wing UAS
614. Kespry
615. Kingjoy Aeropilot
616. KongCopter FQ700
617. KongCopter X8
618. Krossblade SkyProwler
619. Krossblade SkyProwler VTOL Transformer
620. KSU Crow
621. KWT-X6L
622. Latitude Arcturus T-15e (JUMP 15)
623. Latitude HQ-20
624. Latitude HQ-4 Hybrid Multirotor
625. Latitude HQ-40
626. Latitude HQ-60
627. Latitude Sensitel Silverfox HQ
628. L'Avion Jaune Altimum 4
629. LB700
630. LB700RG
631. LB800
632. Leading Edge Precision Vision 10
633. Lehmann Aviation LA300
634. Lehmann LA100 GoPro Drone
635. Leica Aibot X6
636. Leica Aibotix
637. Leptron Avenger
638. Leptron RDASS 1000
639. Leviathan
640. Lewis Realty Associates Hexacopter 650
641. Liberty 1
642. Lily Drone
643. Lockheed Martin Corporation Stalker
644. Lockheed Martin Corporation Stalker XE (eXtreme Endurance)
645. Lockheed Martin Desert Hawk
646. Lockheed Martin Desert Hawk III
647. Lockheed Martin Indago
648. Lockheed Martin Long Endurance
649. Luch Design Bureau / KB Lutch Swallow
650. Lumenier QAV250
651. Lumenier QAV400
652. Lumenier QAV500
653. M3 Desert Cardinal
654. M3 Hummingbird UAS
655. M451
656. MAP-M4
657. Marcus UAV Zephyr 2
658. Marcus UAV Zephyr 3
659. Marine UAS
660. Mariner
661. Maryland Aerospace, Inc.VectorWing 100
662. MAVTech Microhawk MH850
663. MaxFlight
664. MDAP X-UAV Talon
665. Mercury UAS
666. Merrill Technologies Group Torrent
667. Micro Drone 3.0
668. Micro UAV Hazon Hex
669. Microdrones 4-1000
670. Microdrones 4-200
671. Microdrones 4-3000
672. Microkopter Hex XL
673. Mid Atlantic X-8
674. Mikrokopter 2.5
675. Mikrokopter Rotorcraft
676. Milo
677. Mini250
678. Minicopter Joker 3
679. Mission Technology Systems, LLC. Blacklight (E-BUSTER)
680. Mission Technology Systems, LLC. BUSTER
681. Mississippi State University Xawk 5, SN 001
682. Mississippi State University Xawk 5, SN 002
683. Mississippi State University Xawk X-4
684. MKU Pvt. Ltd. TERP-2
685. MLB Company Super Bat
686. MLB Company V-BAT
687. Monar Aero “GoPro Quad” V4
688. Monar Aero, “Heavy Lifter” X8
689. Monarch Ag
690. Monarch LS
691. Monarch MT
692. Mozi robotics Quadthrust 350
693. MQ-9 Reaper 2500mm
694. MR14 Octocopter
695. MU-1H
696. MyFlyDream MyTwinDream Twin Rotor
697. NELK Lapwing
698. Nighthawk
699. Northern Virginia OmniVersatile Solutions NVOS UAV (N-Cognito)
700. Nostromo Defensa Cabure
701. Nostromo Defensa Centinela
702. Nostromo Defensa Yagua
703. Oculus
704. OFM GQuad x4
705. OJSC Grusha Izhmash
706. OktoXL 6S12
707. OM UAV Systems Baaz
708. OM UAV Systems Eagle Eye
709. Optimum Solutions Condor 300
710. Oto Melara SPA HELISTARK
711. Oto Melara SPA Oto-Horus
712. PAG X4
713. Parkzone Radian RTF
714. Parrot AR.Drone 2.0
715. Parrot Bebop drone
716. Parrot PF 725100 Bebop Drone 14MP
717. Patria Oy MASS Mini-UAV
718. Patriot X4
719. Patriot X8
720. Peregrine UAS
721. Phoenix Ace
722. Phoenix Aerial Systems AL3 S1000
723. Phoenix Aerial Systems TerraHawk
724. Phoenix Aerial Systems Vapor 55
725. Phoenix VTOL
726. Pilot-RC Fun Flyer 3D
727. PINC Air
728. Pinnacl X Chameleon Pro
729. Plexidrone
730. PMG Recon
731. Precision Drone Pacesetter
732. Precision Lancaster MK3
733. Precision Drone Onset
734. Precision Drone Scout
735. Precision Hawk
736. Precision Hawk Hawkeye Mk-III
737. Precision Hawk Lancaster
738. PreNav
739. PreNav 1.0
740. Prioria Hex
741. Prioria Maveric
742. Prioria Robotics Hex Mini
743. ProCargo XLF x8
744. Project Wing
745. Projet RQ Drone
746. Projet RQ-11
747. ProSearch XLF Hex
748. Pulse Aerospace – Scout B1-100
749. Pulse Aerospace Vapor 35
750. Pulse Aerospace Vapor 55
751. Pulse Aerospace, PA 01 Vapor
752. PV 14817 Multi Rotor
753. PV HL1
754. PV HL2
755. Qinetiq Zephyr
756. Quadcopter LLC MikroKopter
757. QuadH20 HEXH20
758. Qualcomm 210qc
759. Quantum Nova
760. Quantum Systems Geo-X8000
761. Quanum 680 UC Pro Hexa-Copter
762. Quest Aqua
763. Quest Q200
764. QuestUAV 300
765. QuestUAV Ltd.
766. Quiet UAV
767. R/C Rotors and Aerial Media: Matrix Prof. Multi Rotor Frame & Octo Heavy Lift Prof. Multi Rotor
768. Range Video - RVJet
769. Raptor Multirotors
770. Raven F6
771. Raven F8
772. Raytheon Company Coyote
773. RC Timer S-1100 Pro
774. RC Timer Trooper Y6
775. RCTimer Hexacopter
776. ReadytoDrone x5 50
777. Recon UAS
778. Red Wing Aeronautics Original
779. Reference Technologies, Inc. HUMMINGBIRD I
780. REHawk 500
781. REHawk 680
782. Remote Aerial Cinematography Systems UAS
783. Responder Robotic
784. Revered Cinema Rapture X12
785. Revered Cinema Rapture X6
786. Revered Cinema Rapture X8
787. Revered Cinema-Mini quad
788. Riegl RiCopter
789. Ritewing Draken (Drak)
790. Ritewing Spade 66”
791. Ritewing Spade 70”
792. Ritewing Z3 Spade 47”
793. Ritewing Z3 Spade 70”
794. Ritewing Z4 Spade 52”
795. Ritewing Zephyr 2
796. RMRC Anaconda
797. Roboflight Sytems RF-70
798. Robota, LLC. Supernova
799. Robota, LLC. Triton
800. Rotomotion SR-15
801. Rotomotion, LLC SR 20
802. Rotomotion, LLC SR 30
803. RP Flight Systems Spectra AP
804. RP Flight Systems Spectra SkyCamo
805. RPA Technologies Ltd RQ-265
806. RTD X5
807. RV Jet
808. Ryka UAS
809. Sandstorm
810. Santos Lab Orbis
811. Sci.Aero CyberQuad
812. SD02
813. SDAP M680
814. Seahawk 1.2
815. Sealed Bubble X8
816. SelectTech Geospacial’s EH-4
817. Selex ES S.p.A Crex-B
818. SenseFly eBee
819. SenseFly eBee Ag
820. SenseFly eBee RTK
821. SenseFly eXom
822. SenseFly Swinglet
823. SenseFly Swinglet CAM
824. Sensintel Silver Fox
825. Sensintel Silver Fox
826. Sensurion Magpie MP-1
827. Sentera Phoenix
828. SH 900
829. Shotover - U1
830. Sierra Pacific Innocations E2 Micro-UAV
831. Sig Kadet Senior
832. Silent Falcon UAS Technologies Silent Falcon
833. Silvertone Electronics Flamingo
834. Singapore Technologies Aerospace Skyblade III
835. Siralab Robotics S.r.l. H3
836. Sirius
837. Sirius Basic
838. Sirius MAVINCI
839. Sirius Pro
840. Sky Eye A-series UAV
841. Sky Eye Micro UAV
842. Sky Eye OGI
843. Sky Eye T-series UAV
844. Sky Flight Robotics Manta Ray
845. Sky Hero 600
846. SkyBridge SB-1
847. SkyCam Frame 4 1000mm Quad
848. Skycam UAV NZ Limited Kahu
849. SkyCatch
850. SkyHero Little Six
851. SkyHero Little Spyder
852. SkyHero Spy
853. SkyHero Spyder
854. SkyHero Spyder 6
855. Skyhunter 1.8 by FPV Model
856. SkyPhilly M1
857. SkyView Aerial Solutions MQ4
858. SkyView Aerial Solutions MQ8
859. Skywalker 1800
860. Skywalker 1900
861. Skywalker Aero
862. Skywalker EP
863. Skywalker Flying Wing X8
864. SkyWard 1
865. Slow Stick Park Flyer
866. SmartPlanes AB Personal Area Mapping System (PAMS)
867. SmartPlanes AB SmartOneC
868. SnapRoll Media SUAS
869. SOJ F650
870. SOJ T838
871. Spetsialnyy Tekhnologicheskiy Tsentr, LLC Special Technology Center Orlan-10
872. Spetsialnyy Tekhnologicheskiy Tsentr, LLC Special Technology Center Orlan-3
873. Splash Drone
874. Stark Aerospace ArrowLite
875. StarkHx8
876. SteadiDrone
877. Steadidrone Flare
878. Steadidrone Mavrik
879. SteadiDrone Octo
880. Steadidrone QU4D-X4
881. SteadiDrone Vader
882. Stork Octocopter
883. STR8
884. Superswift
885. SuperX/P2 Multirotor
886. Surveillance and Target Unmanned Aircraft Stingray
887. SurVoyeur mk-II
888. Swallow Systems Skimmer MK-I
889. Swallow Systems Skimmer MK-II
890. Swift Engineering X-Blade
891. Swift Radioplanes Lynx
892. Swift Radioplanes Lynx M
893. Syma X5C Explorer
894. Syma X8C
895. Syndrone Frame with mikrokopter flight controller
896. SynDrone X8
897. System Consultancy Services AGAS 2.0
898. Tactical Robotics – InstantEye Mk2
899. Tailor Toys PowerUp 3.0
900. Talon 120
901. Talon 120LE
902. Talon 240
903. Tarot 450
904. Tarot 650
905. Tarot 680pro
906. Tarot 690
907. Tarot 900
908. Tarot 960
909. Tarot FY650
910. Tarot FY680
911. Tarot FY690S Hexacopter
912. Tarot Ironman 6500
913. Tarot Ironman FY650
914. Tarot Oct-Copter X8
915. Tarot Quadcopter
916. Tarot T-15
917. Tarot T-18
918. Tarot T810
919. Tarot X6
920. Tarsier Systems MoAC
921. Tasuma (UK) Ltd. CSV-15
922. Tasuma (UK) Ltd. Hawkeye II
923. Tasuma (UK) Ltd. Hawkeye III
924. TATA Advanced Systems Limited Aquilon
925. Taylor Toys PowerUp 3.0
926. Tayzu Robotics Quadra
927. Tayzu Robotics Titan X8
928. TBM ISR 2.6
929. TBM ISR 3.0
930. TBM Skyhunter
931. TBM Skysurfer
932. TBS Caipirinha V2
933. Team Black Sheep Discovery Pro
934. Team Black Sheep Gemini
935. TEKEVER AR1 Blue Ray
936. TEKEVER AR2 Carcará (formerly AR2 Power Ray)
937. TEKEVER AR3 Net Ray
938. TEKEVER AR4 Light Ray
939. Teknol Ltd. Tactical UAV System
940. Tempest
941. Terrafugia TF-X RC
943. The Live Video Camera Drone
944. Thor X4
945. Threod Systems, Ltd. EOS
946. Threod Systems, Ltd. STREAM
947. Threod Systems, Ltd. X8
948. Tiburon Jr
949. Titan Aerospace M1
950. Titan Aerospace M2
951. Top I Vision Casper 250
952. TOPCON Sirius Pro
953. T-Rex 700E F3C
954. TREX 800E DFC PRO
955. T-Rex 800E Pro
956. Trigger Composites Pteryx
957. Trimble UX5
958. Trimble UX5 hp
959. Trimble ZX5
960. Tuffwing UAV Mapper
961. TUP X8-800
962. TUP X8A-2100
963. Turbo Ace CINEWING 6
964. Turbo Ace Infinity 6
965. Turbo Ace Matrix -1
966. Turbo Ace Matrix S
967. Turbo Ace Matrix-E
968. Turbo Ace Matrix-G
969. Turbo Ace X830-D Drone RTF
970. Turningy Talon 500
971. U.S. Geological Survey Modified Hanger 9 Super Cub (RC model)
972. UAS Europe AB Spy Owl 100
973. UAS Europe AB Spy Owl 200 (formerly mX-Sight)
974. UAS Europe AB Spy Owl 300 (formerly X-Sight)
975. UASUSA Tempest
976. UAV America Mule Quad/Eagle
977. UAV Factory, Ltd. Penguin B
978. UAV Factory, Ltd. Penguin BE
979. UAV Factory, Ltd. Penguin C
980. UAV Inc. E950 Challis Heliplane
981. UAV Research Lab. Silhouette
982. UAV Solutions Phoenix 15
983. UAV Solutions Phoenix 30
984. UAV Solutions Phoenix 60
985. UAV Solutions Phoenix 60LE
986. UAV Solutions, Inc. Talon 120
987. UAVia Pte. Ltd. R-400
988. UAVision WINGO S
989. UAVision WINGO
991. UAVS Phoenix 15
992. Uconsystem RemoEye-002B
993. Uconsystem RemoEye-006
994. Uconsystem RemoEye-015
995. UDI U818A
996. Ukrspecexport Sokil-2
997. UMS Aero Group F-330 (formerly Discoverer)
998. Universal Target Systems Ltd Vigilant (Spotter)
999. Universeye Finwing Penguin 1720

1000. Universeye Finwing Penguin
1001. University of Colorado at Boulder DataHawk
1002. Unlimited Aerial Systems Boomerang
1003. Unmanned Flying Rolling Orb “UFRO”
1004. Unmanned Systems Pioneer
1005. Unmanned Systems Supercam S350 / Photobot
1006. US2 GreenHawk
1007. Utah State University Minion
1008. Utah State University Titan
1009. UTAS-SIS Vireo
1010. UTC Aerospace Systems Option
1011. UTC Aerospace Systems Vireo
1012. UVA 500 mm Hexacopter
1013. UVA 800 mm Hexacopter
1014. UVA Flying-Wing Razor UAS
1015. UVA Flying-Wing VTOL UAS
1016. VA03-v1
1017. VA04-v1
1018. VA07-v1
1019. Vanguard Industries ShadowHawk
1020. Vertitek V1-X8a
1021. Vertitek V2-H6a
1022. Vestel Defence Industries EFE
1023. Vigilant E
1024. Viking UAS FF-X4/X8
1025. Viking UAS Multicopter (VTOL)
1026. Viking UAS Patriot X4
1027. Viking UAS Patriot X8
1028. Viking UAS Viking ONE
1029. Viking UAS VK X8 Model 800
1030. Viking UAS X6 Model 800
1031. Vireo
1032. Vision du ciel Pixy Vision
1033. VK- Ranger EX- SAR Fixed Wing UAS
1034. VK-450
1035. Volantex Ranger
1036. Volantex Raptor
1037. Volt Aerial Robotics - Venture
1038. Volt Aerial Robotics Octane
1039. Volt Aerial Robotics WaveSight
1040. VTOL Technologies Urban Eagle
1041. Vulcan Black Widow
1042. Vulcan Black Widow 950mm
1043. Vulcan Coax 1300
1044. Vulcan frame controlled by a DJI A2 flight controller
1045. Vulcan Mantis
1046. Vulcan Octocopter
1047. Vulcan Raven
1048. W303 Seeker Professional
1049. Walkera – QR X800
1050. Walkera – QR X900
1051. Walkera 350 QR Pro Quadcopter
1052. Walkera Runner 250
1053. Walkera Scout X4
1054. Walkera TALI H500
1055. Walkera Voyager 3
1056. WatH20 Quad
1057. WB Electronics S.A.FlyEye
1058. Westwind Ocelot
1059. Wide Horizons Aerial Technologies
1060. Wide Horizons Aerial Technologies Hornbill
1061. Wildau Bully/ATISS TFH
1062. WLtoys V303 Auto Pathfinder FPV Drone
1063. Wookong DJI 5800
1064. Wuhan AI Bird UAV Co., Ltd KC-09
1065. Wuhan AI Bird UAV Co., Ltd KC-1600 Sky Hawk
1066. Wuhan AI Bird UAV Co., Ltd KC-2000
1067. Wuhan AI Bird UAV Co., Ltd KC-2400
1068. Wuhan AI Bird UAV Co., Ltd KC-2800
1069. Wuhan AI Bird UAV Co., Ltd SY2000
1070. X-10
1071. X8 Zenmuse
1072. XACT Sense Mapfly6
1073. XACT Sense Max-8
1074. XACT Sense SSP-360
1075. XACT Sense Titan
1076. Xamen LE
1077. XBOW
1078. xCel Drones XD550CDR
1079. xCraft X PlusOne
1080. Xenocross Corporation XENO PPG
1081. Xenocross Corporation XENO UAV
1082. XFold Cinema Heavy Lifter MultiRoter
1083. xFold Cinema x12
1084. xFold Cinema x8
1085. Xfold Dragon
1086. xFold Dragon X8
1087. XFold Rig Hexcopter
1088. XFold Rig Octocopter
1089. XFold Rig Quadcopter
1090. XFold Rig x12 Copter
1091. Xfold SPY
1092. Xfold Travel
1093. Xi'an ASN Technology Group ASN-216
1094. Xi'an ASN Technology Group ASN-217
1095. xProHeli ProPack XP2
1096. xProHeli XPX
1097. X-UAV Sky Surfer MAX
1098. X-UAV Talon FPV
1099. XUAV Talon Mini
1100. XWORKS X-81
1101. XX8LI Zenmuse
1102. Yuneec Tornado H920
1103. Yuneec Typhoon G
1104. Yuneec Typhoon H920
1105. Yuneec Typhoon Q500
1106. Yuneec Typhoon Q500+
1107. Yuneec Typhoon Q500+ Pro
1108. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-04M
1109. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-04M2F
1110. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-06
1111. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-08
1112. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-08M / ZALA 421-08F
1113. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-16
1114. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-16E
1115. Zala Aero Group ZALA 421-16EM
1116. Zero UAV (Beijing) Intelligence Technology Co. Ltd. ZERO1600
1117. Zerotech E1100
1118. Zero-Tech High One
1119. Zeta FX-61
1120. Zeta Science Buffalo FX79




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